February 2, 2018
I just returned from the Demand-LED’s 3rd China International Quantum Dots Summit, January 24th, 2018 in Shanghai China. It is part of the Emerging Technologies 2018 conference (Jan 24-26, 2018). Organized by Demand-LED Management Consulting. It’s a very successful conference with presentations and exhibitions. It’s my honor to meet some of you in person.
Dr. Luo, the GM of Great China and application engineering director at Nanosys, gave an opening remarks.
Figure: Dr. Luo at Nanosys gave welcome speech
Photo by: Dr. Jennifer Colegrove, Touch Display Research.
On behalf of Touch Display Research, I gave a Keynote on quantum dot technologies and market forecast.
Figure: Touch Display Research Dr. Colegrove gave keynote speech
Photo credit: Mr. Zhang, King Focus.
More analysis and review of the Emerging Technologies 2018 Conference can be found in the “Touch and Emerging Display” monthly report.
Thanks for reading,
Dr. Jennifer Colegrove and team