September 18, 2014
Over a year ago, in this “Touch and Emerging Display report”, June 2013 issue, page 45, we forecasted “Apple will adopt AMOLED within 18 months”.
Now with the Apple Watch announced, our forecast becomes reality in 18 months.
Figure. We accurately forecasted Apple AMOLED adoption time
Source: Touch Display Research Inc., Sept, 2014
Touch Display Research has a good reputation of accurate forecast. In January 2013, Touch Display Research gave a presentation at the SID Bay Area one day conference, we forecasted “Samsung will release curved AMOLED on a device that is larger than 5” by end of 2013.” (SID Information Display chief editor Stephen Atwood wrote about our forecast in his article in Information Display Journal March 2013 issue.)
Figure. We accurately forecasted Samsung curved AMOLED device time
Source: Touch Display Research Inc., Sept, 2014
In October 2013, Samsung announced the Galaxy Round with curved AMOLED display. One month later, LG also announced the G Flex. Our forecast became reality in 9 months.
Sorry about tooting our own horn, but these are the facts. We are good at forecast.
Thanks for reading,
Jennifer and team