October 31, 2017
I just returned from the SEMI FLEX Southeast Asia 2017 Conference, at the beautiful Singapore. It’s a very successful conference with presentations and exhibitions of flexible electronics. This is my second time to speak at this conference. It’s my honor to meet some of you in person.
Figure 1. SEMI FLEX 2017 conference
Photo by: Touch Display Research Inc.
The president of SEMI Southeast Asia, Mr. NG Kai Fai gave a welcome speech at the opening ceremony.
Figure: SEMI Southeast Asia’s president, Mr. NG Kai Fai gave welcome speech
Photo by: Dr. Jennifer Colegrove, Touch Display Research.
On behalf of Touch Display Research, I gave a presentation on flexible display, flexible lighting and flexible touch: technologies and market forecast, and discussed the touch screen and display for Apple iPhone X.
More analysis and review of the SEMI FLEX Southeast Asia 2017 Conference can be found in the “Touch and Emerging Display” monthly report.
Thanks for reading,
Dr. Jennifer Colegrove and team